I'm so pleased to announce the launch of my newest Craftsy/King Arthur Flour online class:
PERFECT PUFF PASTRY! Puff pastry is one of my favorite things on the planet. When the pastry curious ask, "What's your favorite thing to bake?" my answer is always PUFF PASTRY.
Chocolate puff? Yes please! |
My delight isn't only in the eating, it's in the making and the teaching. It's truly magical in all ways baking should be magical. And now, you can take my new class at 50% off without having to travel to Vermont to learn all my tips and tricks. Click
THIS LINK and you'll enjoy all the flaky goodness in no time.
Puff pastry is perfect for things sweet AND savory. Just look at this fresh veggie tart for a small example of the delicious paths you can go down using puff pastry. |
But wait, there's more! To top it all off, learn to make a show stopping, centerpiece worthy puff pastry masterpiece with the addition of joconde decor sides!
Banana Caramel Cream Pie transformed into a show stopping, centerpiece worthy dessert? Yes, indeed! |