Ceci n'est pas une porcelain cup

There have been quite a few requests to bring the Gesine Confectionary mugs back. We listened and have responded in our own peculiar way (of course).
What you see here is a double walled porcelain cup with a silicon top. It looks remarkably like a paper cup but it's not. It's made to last many trips to the coffee pot, local espresso bar or (shudder) the microwave. It's not made of aluminum or plastic, something we're all trying to avoid as hot (and cold) beverages vessels.
It also breaks spectacularly on a stone floor. So remember that it's porcelain.
If you'd like to order one of these super duper mugs this week only before we jump through all the hoops of getting it up on our website with it's own page and ordering button and and and...I'm giving you a chance to order it "animal style." (If you know In-and-Out, you know exactly what I mean. If you don't, get thee to the west coast in all due haste and order up a doubledouble animal style). Once we get our site updated by next week, you will simply click on the mug link!
Here is the secret to ordering the mug:
(UPDATE: WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! You guys have been hankering for some mugs and we just reordered since I posted this.)
(1) Go to www.gesine.com
(2) Click on any flavor of macaroon you'd like nestled inside the mug, including assorted.
(3) When you go to purchase the macaroons (but really you're purchasing the mug), you'll be given an opportunity to write a gift message or comment in the comment box. Write MUG (and a gift message, if you're sending as a gift).
So what you'll have done is ordered a mug on the sly but not only will you get the mug, you'll also get a dozen of whichever macaroon you've chosen nestled inside the porcelain beauty because what's a piping hot beverage without a treat?